Daily Challenge 1: Facebook assets
I love frames! Layering all the photo frames for this Earth Day Banner was fun.

Daily Challenge 2: Internet Meme
Sorry, not sorry. Punintentional. I really love bad puns.

Daily Challenge 3: Twitter banner
I love trees, so using a picture of a texture rich tree was a no-brainer for this banner.

Daily Challenge 4: Symmetrical illustration
Love, love, love using the symmetry option with the paint tool. I also made this into a Facebook frame.

Daily Challenge 5: Instagram Stories Template

Daily Challenge 6: Stylize social media
Not me, or my dance instructor, but a photo for the dance instructor to advertise classes. The original colors don't suit the studio's color scheme, so this was the perfect challenge to play with adjusting color. Here is the original:

Daily Challenge 7: Upgrade your Squad
I'm not big on selfies, but photos of my animals... oh yeah. So I thought my calico cat needed to have a "sitting" with Grumpy Cat. All copyrights to Grumpy Cat, used for educational and learning purposes only. Here is the original photo:

Daily Challenge 8: Project Title
I know the the text says halftones, but next to the pixelate option was crystalize. I had to crystalize!

Daily Challenge 9: GIF